State Board Report: SBE moves forward on accountability, waivers approved

On Feb. 28, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the following appointments to the State Board of Education: Gabriela Gonzalez, an elementary school teacher for the Montebello Unified School District since 2001; Brenda Lewis, former associate superintendent of instruction at the Kern High School District from 2014 […]

Webinar offers advice on recruiting staff for summer programs

After local educational agencies struggled to staff programs last summer, even with additional funding, “Innovative Staff Recruitment Strategies,” a Feb. 22 webinar hosted by the Partnership for Children & Youth examined recruitment strategies for education leaders to consider while planning for this year. The fourth […]

CALL TO ACTION: Urge Congress to support extending waiver authority to USDA for school nutrition programs

Please contact U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Alex Padilla and your local Congressional representative to urge their support to extend school meal wavier authority to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) through Sept. 30, 2023, within the pending consolidated appropriations bill that Congress is working […]

Schools should expect state guidance on independent study for students with disabilities

On Feb. 28, 2022, in the litigation action E.E. v. State of California, a judge in the Federal District Court for the Northern District of California issued a preliminary injunction that ordered the California Department of Education to provide guidance to local educational agencies requiring […]

CDPH memo provides guidance for local masking decision-making

The California Department of Public Health issued a memo March 7 reminding education stakeholders that the statewide universal indoor masking requirement in K-12 schools will transition to a strong recommendation that staff and students continue to wear masks indoors, effective end-of-day March 11. The memo […]

Safer air saves lives and improves learning in mask-optional classrooms

This post is contributed by CSBA business affiliate LifeWings Peak Performance As a preventative measure to cope with the pandemic and promote utility savings, the state allocated $650 million in Assembly Bill 841 grants to improve air quality and plumbing in California classrooms and facilities. […]