Research suggests that youth who experience bullying and/or cyberbullying may be more at risk for suicidal thoughts. In recognition of National Suicide Prevention Month, Angela Asch, CSBA principal research manager and author of the Safe Schools Toolkit section on bullying and cyberbullying, is sharing relevant insights and resources for local educational agencies in this Q&A.
Category: social-emotional
Tips to improve school connectedness
Implementing proven strategies for building connections and engaging students can help foster deeper ties between students and their schools and, ultimately, increase student achievement, according to a recent brief from EdResearch for Action. Researchers highlight five proven strategies school leaders can use to help students […]
Using chronic absence data to create change
The new brief “Seize the Data: Using Chronic Absence Data to Drive Student Engagement,” a joint publication of CSBA and Attendance Works released in March, provides an overview of chronic absenteeism in California and information on the student groups it impacts most as well as questions that board members can consider when assessing the issue, ways to address it and related resources.
Community building is necessary to establishing healthy school cultures
Creating school cultures that support young people and minimize violence and bullying requires ongoing work — a topic explored by experts in a Feb. 14 webinar hosted by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of Safe and Supportive Schools, […]
U.S. student-to-school counselor ratio improves but still misses recommended rate
The student-to-school counselor ratio improved 5.6 percent nationally between 2021–22 and 2022–23, but there is still work to be done to reach the recommended rate of 250:1, according to data released by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) in February. In 2022–23, the student-to-counselor ratio […]
Brief explores the immigration system’s impact on school communities
As of 2019, roughly 7 percent of all children in the United States — an estimated 5 million young people under age 19 — lived with an undocumented family member, most often a parent. The effects of immigration enforcement actions on Latino children of undocumented […]
National snapshot of school violence and crime shows mixed findings
The good news: Schools are reporting less violent crime and drug use across most grade levels. The bad news: Availability of vital student supports has declined as well — a troubling finding given the continued need among young people still recovering mentally and emotionally from […]
SDCOE’s suicide intervention toolkit helps schools support students and get them back on track
The San Diego County Office of Education’s Golden Bell Award-winning Policy to Practice: Suicide Intervention Toolkit provides local schools with protocols to support students experiencing suicidal ideation, and since its launch in 2019, has likely saved many lives. San Diego COE’s 16 school districts, 11 […]
Building community and inclusion through dialogue
Conflict is inevitable but managing it effectively can promote inclusivity and help build a positive school climate where all students feel a sense of belonging and can participate fully. Experts provided tips for schools to help students and staff in addressing conflict in ways that […]
New research explores the use of AI tools in identifying students in crisis
With youth suicidality on the rise and schools struggling to hire the number of mental health professionals needed to support students, local educational agencies have begun to turn to artificial intelligence (AI)-based tools to help identify those at risk for suicide and self-harm. However, a […]