High school graduation rates recovered quickly after pandemic disruptions

While students and school staff continue to struggle with challenges related to mental and behavioral health, academic recovery and more, graduation rates nationwide appear to have rebounded following initial disruptions caused by COVID-19, according to a report released May 30 by the National Center of […]

Report finds students are experiencing more cyberbullying, teachers are seeing more verbal abuse

The National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice Statistics released their annual report on indicators of school crime and safety for 2022 and found that the rate of cyberbullying among students doubled from 8 to 16 percent from 2009–10 and 2019–20, though rates […]

Older students need more attention post-pandemic, report finds

Although they are back in physical classrooms, increasing chronic absenteeism, behavioral issues and record low test scores prove that students are still struggling post-pandemic. Four graduating classes have been impacted by the public health crisis, including roughly 13.5 million California students, and undergraduate enrollment at […]

Preschool enrollment starts to rebound post-pandemic

Comparing the 2021–22 school year with pre-pandemic data, The National Institute for Early Education Research’s (NIEER) report The State of Preschool 2022 provides information by state on preschool enrollment, funding and policies, and outlines next steps for improvement. Enrollment was down 8 percent from pre-pandemic […]

COVD-19’s impact on education further highlighted in new report

The 2023 Report on Condition of Education released May 24 by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) found that nearly every aspect of preK-12 education has been impacted by COVID-19: School and teacher preparation program enrollment both declined, teaching positions remain vacant, student mental […]

Community buy-in necessary for learning recovery efforts to work

Where children lived during the pandemic mattered more to their academic progress than their family background, income or internet speed, according to The Education Recovery Scorecard, released in May by the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University (CEPR) and Stanford University’s Educational Opportunity […]

‘Attendance Playbook’ seeks to reduce chronic absenteeism

Strategies to curb absenteeism ranging from offering positive greetings at classroom doors and having on-campus laundry facilities to implementing early warning systems and addressing housing insecurity are explored in the report Attendance Playbook: Smart Solutions for Reducing Student Absenteeism Post-Pandemic, published by FutureEd and Attendance […]

Low cost, low effort COVID-mitigation strategies were more common in schools without nurses

Schools with a full-time nurse or school-based health center were more likely to use several COVID-19 prevention strategies early in the 2021–22 school year, according to new school analysis from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The study examined 21 school-level prevention strategies, including […]

Assessing tutoring strategies as LEAs continue learning recovery efforts

While tutoring has become a popular tool for academic recovery post-pandemic, not all tutoring programs are created equal and the strategy alone will likely not be enough to catch students up, experts said during a recent Education Week webinar, “Tutoring: What the Evidence Says About […]