Survey finds expanded learning opportunities are reaching the students most in need

New survey findings show 97 percent of California local educational agencies and 88 percent of community-based organizations (CBOs) used Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) funds to serve more students either by opening new programs or expanding existing ones. Based on more than 100 surveys and […]

Legislature reaches agreement on statewide school facilities bond; Governor yet to endorse

After months of negotiations, it was announced on June 30 that the State Assembly and Senate reached an agreement on a statewide school facilities bond. Assembly Bill 247, titled the Kindergarten through Grade 12 Schools and Local Community College Public Education Facilities Modernization, Repair, and Safety […]

State’s per pupil spending rose coming out of pandemic, NCES report finds

California was among the three states with the most significant increases in per pupil expenditures between fiscal years 2021 and 2022, according to a first look report on public school revenues and expenditures released by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) in May.

Governor and Legislature agree to budget deal

On June 22, Gov. Gavin Newsom and the State Legislature announced an agreement on the state budget that largely reflected the budget proposal adopted by the Legislature earlier this month — but with some important modifications that pose concern for local educational agencies. The inclusion of provisions that were not present or disclosed in earlier summaries reinforced the wisdom of CSBA’s decision to avoid a full endorsement of any budget deals before the exact language of the terms was available.

Legislature passes budget; Governor yet to agree

On June 13, the State Legislature sent its budget to the Governor for his consideration. The main budget bill, Assembly Bill 107 reflects the priorities of the Legislature in response to the Governor’s budget proposals. This will not be the final version of the budget since the Governor has yet to agree to all of the elements included in the budget bill. As such, negotiations between the Legislature and the Governor will continue.

May Revise webinar breaks down budget proposals and their implications for LEAs

Experts from the California School Boards Association, Children Now and the education law firm Dannis Woliver Kelley dissected the Governor’s May Revision budget proposals during a May 15 webinar, “May Revise: Prop 98 under siege.”  As expected, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s decision to double down on […]