Mandated reporters help ensure the safety and well-being of children during COVID-19

While learning loss has been at the forefront of concerns about the impacts of school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the shuttering of schools across the country poses additional risks for children who may experience abuse and neglect in their households. The economic crisis […]

Focus on outreach, health and data can help schools limit COVID-19 impacts

Education leaders and researchers alike have identified troubling projected outcomes from the COVID-19 pandemic and widespread school closures: the large number of children who may “fall through the cracks” without their usual support systems and those students whose educational deficits may grow. Schools, however, can […]

Brief illustrates alarming health and well-being data for LGB youths in California

Lesbian, gay and bisexual youths in California experience negative behaviors and consequences at about twice the rate of their straight peers, according to a new Kidsdata issue brief. Those behaviors and outcomes for LGB youths include higher alcohol and drug use, more common feelings of […]

Free, virtual active shooter training platform now available for schools

Active shooter incidents and other school emergencies require teachers, administrators and staff to become first responders in the blink of eye. A new, free virtual training program from the Department of Homeland Security allows personnel to create and practice response plans for such an incident. […]

More than 300 districts eligible for $9.5M in drinking water grants

Districts and schools across California looking for help with drinking water projects are encouraged to apply for funding through the State Water Resources Control Board. The agency has a program that provides $9.5 million in grants to increase access to safe drinking water by replacing […]

Hungry kids can’t learn: More districts are expanding their free lunch programs

Lunch will now be free for students in the Palm Springs Unified School District who used to receive a reduced lunch price of 40 cents per meal, the Board of Education recently decided. This will positively impact the achievement of some low-income students whose families still cannot afford the reduced meal prices. Research has shown that children learn better when they are properly nourished. The change is set to go into effect at the start of the 2014-15 school year and will cost the district about $14,000 monthly, which will be paid by the district’s nutrition fund, separate from general fund dollars.

Partial credit for foster youth—a tool for LCFF success

The Local Control Funding Formula affirms the state’s commitment to provide additional resources to students with greater challenges, foster youth among them. Because students in the child welfare system often move from home to home and school to school, they frequently lose academic credits that can put them at risk of not graduating on time.

Policy watch: Does your district have policies that support breastfeeding?

As August is World Breastfeeding Month, this is a good time to review district policies and practices to ensure compliance with legal requirements that employees be provided with reasonable break time and an appropriate location to express milk for their infant children. CSBA’s sample board policy BP 4033 – Lactation Accommodation reflects these federal and state requirements and prohibits discrimination, harassment and retaliation against any employee who chooses to exercise her rights under these laws.