Survey finds expanded learning opportunities are reaching the students most in need

New survey findings show 97 percent of California local educational agencies and 88 percent of community-based organizations (CBOs) used Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) funds to serve more students either by opening new programs or expanding existing ones. Based on more than 100 surveys and […]

New report provides snapshot of the state of English learners in California

Californians Together released an inaugural The State of English Learners in California Public Schools report on June 12 that summarizes key demographic and outcome data for English learners using a variety of data sources to examine how they are being served in the education system […]

Study finds incorporating edtech and high-dosage tutoring helps cut costs, maintains quality

Blending high-dosage tutoring time with high-quality educational technology can reduce costs by one-third and halve the number of tutors needed without compromising effectiveness on student learning, according to a working paper released June 3 by the University of Chicago Education (UCE) Lab. When 4,000 students […]

Research provides snapshot of summer learning in 2023, implications for 2024 programming

Summer programming has become one of the main ways in which local educational agencies have sought to help students recover academically from pandemic-related setbacks. However, while recent research from the RAND Corporation finds that summer programs appear to have expanded and improved to address student […]

New report examines how K-12 teachers engage students in foundational reading skills

Significant portions of English language arts (ELA) teachers across grade spans — including at the secondary level — reported frequently engaging their students in foundational reading skills, according to a RAND report released April 30. Foundational reading skills involve how students learn to associate sounds […]

Parental attitudes toward attendance may be a factor in difficulties reducing chronic absenteeism

Ensuring families understand the importance of regular attendance may be just as critical as addressing other underlying causes to high rates of chronic absenteeism, according to researchers. In a March 26 brief for the Brookings Institution, researchers at the University of Southern California found that […]

Survey of college and career prep shows gaps persist along poverty lines, school size

A majority of public high schools say they do a “good,” “very good” or “excellent” job preparing students for college (77 percent) and the workforce (86 percent), according to data released March 19 from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the statistical center within […]

New briefs detail best and worst practices in serving English learners and immigrant-origin students

Two recently updated briefs from Results for America and the Annenberg Institute at Brown University highlight proven practices local educational agencies can use to engage English learners and immigrant-origin students — a term that encompasses both the first- and second-generation youth — to help them […]

Los Angeles USD’s Black Student Achievement Plan aims to narrow gaps in access, support

Aiming to address a persistent achievement gap experienced by Black students and other student groups, the Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education adopted the Black Student Achievement Plan (BSAP) in February 2021. The initiative provides additional funding to identified schools to provide social-emotional […]