CCEE debuts new ‘field guide’ to support immediate learning needs during pandemic

In its first meeting of the year on Feb. 4, the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence reviewed the organization’s 2020–21 goals, provided an update on the System of Support and debuted a new website designed to provide assistance directly to educators and administrators in key […]

CDC releases ‘roadmap’ to school reopening; CDPH releases maps showing school reopening status

In a flurry of activity on Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the California Department of Public Health held a series of press conferences on school reopening and issued new tools and guidance meant to support the return to in-person instruction. Although […]

Latest California Healthy Kids Study highlights areas that could use improvement in schools

Even before the coronavirus pandemic left more children isolated and experiencing higher levels of stress, a decline in mental health was being reported by students in the golden state, according to the latest California Healthy Kids Survey results. Coordinated by the California Department of Education […]

Past chronic absence data can help identify students most in danger of falling behind during pandemic

Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, one out of six children — or 8 million U.S. students — experienced some level of chronic absenteeism,  according to an analysis of the most recent federal data. Those with the most absences are also in the groups hardest hit […]

State digital divide taskforce discusses legislation to expand broadband connectivity

The first 2021 meeting of California’s Closing the Digital Divide Task Force on Feb. 2 provided viewers a more in-depth look at some the initial proposals put forth by lawmakers to boost broadband access to students and communities. “For us, this is one of the […]