Assessments should be next in line for a long-needed overhaul

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced school districts and policymakers to innovate at warp speed when it comes to the use of technology and personalized learning in education, community outreach, development of wraparound services and more. That same flexibility and openness to change should be applied […]

Governor and Legislature respond to advocacy with new school reopening deal

Gov. Gavin Newsom and legislative leaders on March 1 announced an agreement that provides a path to the reopening of schools statewide while retaining local discretion over the return of in-person instruction. Although the bill is not perfect, it addresses many of the concerns CSBA […]

School boards in action: 5 questions with Jeremy L. Gerson, Torrance USD

In the midst of a global pandemic, local educational agency boards have continued working to support programs and initiatives that offer students the academic and social-emotional opportunities they need — no matter which mode of instruction they are in. CSBA’s 5 questions series gives board […]

Experts give tips on spotting signs of child abuse during distance learning

Cases of child abuse rose significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic while reports decreased, but there are strategies teachers and school officials can use to identify the signs even in virtual learning, according to a Feb. 16 webinar hosted by CSBA Business Affiliate Keenan & Associates. […]

School boards in action: Districts ramp up testing, contact tracing and vaccination efforts

Up and down California, local educational agency boards are working tirelessly to make sure students can safely return to campus as quickly as possible in areas that are still in distance learning, and have everything they need to be academically, social-emotionally and physically supported — […]

How California school districts recognized Black History Month virtually

Distance learning didn’t stop important discussions, lessons and events from happening in schools across the state for Black History Month. Stockton Unified School District’s Stagg High School had students and staff share the stories of different influential figures ranging from KRS-One to Ruby Bridges via […]

Facilities planning during a pandemic means more cooks in the kitchen, experts say

At no time before have the more mundane, day-to-day aspects of school facilities been discussed with such contention, panelists said during a Feb. 10 webinar hosted by the California Association of School Business Officials. “Facilities and our operations have never been in the limelight like […]

U.S. Education Department will not provide assessment waivers, but institutes flexibility

The U.S. Department of Department of Education released a letter on Feb. 22 stating that assessment, accountability and reporting requirements for the 2020–21 school year will not be waived. The letter says that assessments are needed to “understand the impact COVID-19 has had on learning […]