Litigation and school districts: Providing FAPE amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Despite the remarkable efforts school districts have made to meet the legal and practical requirements of educating all students during the COVID-19 pandemic, lawsuits related to distance learning and school closures were inevitable, including lawsuits related to educating students receiving special education services. For some […]

Governor’s school reopening plan misses first deadline

While the proposed Feb. 1 deadline for districts to apply for Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Safe Schools for All plan has passed, conversations around school reopening continue to dominate the education policy landscape. The Governor’s plan has faced significant pushback from school officials, labor unions and […]

New brief finds learning loss more acute among specific student subgroups

A Jan. 25 brief from Policy Analysis for California Education finds that there has been significant learning loss in both English language arts and mathematics, with students in earlier grades most affected. Additionally, low-income students and English learners are among those falling further behind. As […]

2021 Black History Month honors the African American family

First celebrated in 1926, February has marked a time to commemorate and celebrate the contributions of Black Americans for nearly a century. The Black History Month 2021 theme, “Black Family: Representation, Identity and Diversity,” explores the African diaspora, and the spread of Black families across […]

The digital divide is still an issue despite recent progress, study shows

Local educational agencies did an impressive job increasing access to computers and the internet during the fall school term, but there remains a persistent digital divide, especially for Black, Hispanic and low-income students, according to a new study. Researchers at the Center for Neighborhood Knowledge […]

CSBA and other education management organizations offer critique on Safe Schools for All plan

A Jan. 19 letter to Gov. Gavin Newsom from CSBA and four other education management organizations acknowledged the shared goal behind the state’s Safe Schools for All plan of returning students to in-person instruction, but pointed out several areas that should be adjusted to make […]

CSBA and WestEd webinar provides state and local insight into school reopening considerations

In a Jan. 25 webinar hosted by CSBA and WestEd, experts analyzed the landscape of school reopenings during the COVID-19 pandemic and explored the numerous considerations that district boards must take into account in reopening campuses, including staffing, learning loss, local public health statistics, local […]

Homeless students require long-term support from schools to improve outcomes

Homelessness is rising among public school students in large cities across the country, and the impacts of homelessness on a student’s educational outcomes persist even after they are sheltered, according to a recent working paper from University of Southern California researchers. Using nine years of […]