State Board Report: January meeting moves forward state literacy plan and ESSA amendments

Now almost a year since COVID-19 took hold in the United States, local, state and federal policymakers continue to grapple with how to ensure students receive equitable learning opportunities in a distance learning setting. Those challenges are beginning to stretch into school reopening planning, and […]

California Department of Public Health releases updated school reopening guidance for 2020–21 school year

The California Department of Public Health today released an update to its “COVID-19 and Reopening In-Person Instruction Framework & Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools in California, 2020–2021 School Year.” The document notes the new version consolidates content from other CDPH COVID-19 and school-related guidance […]

Court declines to invalidate FPPC regulations, but governing boards gain some protection in CSAC and CSBA v. FPPC

After hearing arguments from the parties in California State Association of Counties & California School Boards Association v. Fair Political Practices Commission on Dec. 4, 2020, the superior court denied CSAC and CSBA’s petition for writ of mandate and declaratory relief on Dec. 14, 2020, […]

CSBA webinar takes a deep dive into the Governor’s 2021–22 budget proposal

Gov. Gavin Newsom announced in a Jan. 8 press conference that his 2021–22 budget proposal provides approximately $90 billion total for K-14 schools, with the historic investment centering on equity as local educational agencies navigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. A number of the […]

Gov. Newsom’s January budget proposal includes record-breaking Proposition 98 guarantee

Officially opening the budget season, Gov. Gavin Newsom on Jan. 8 released the 2021–22 budget proposal, which includes significant investments in school reopening and learning loss mitigation amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the ongoing crisis, higher-than-expected revenues will allow for the paying down of most […]

Cost estimates to reopen schools safely within reach in California

As school districts across the United States consider how to safely reopen schools, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has provided indicators to help local educational agencies evaluate the risks associated with reopening schools for in-person instruction, including the level of community transmission. Other […]

New brief highlights ways of improving distance learning for the youngest students

The transition to distance learning for all students has been a challenge, but particularly for those in transitional kindergarten through third grade who have not yet learned to read or lack experience using computers. A new brief from Policy Analysis for California Education identifies a […]

Labor trafficking is overlooked, needs immediate attention new study finds

More than 14,000 Californians received state help between 2016 and 2019 to recover from human trafficking — 26 percent of whom were under the age of 18, according to a new report from the Little Hoover Commission. California must prioritize victim services for labor trafficking […]