Latino student participation, success in college can be improved with supports

While Latino students make up 55 percent of K-12 students in California, only 43 percent of public higher education students in the state are Latino, according to “2021 State of Higher Education for Latinx Californians,” a report from the Campaign for College Opportunity.   Ensuring that Latino students, California’s largest ethnic group, have equitable educational […]

High-dosage tutoring best practices covered at webinar

Long recognized as a tool to help accelerate learning, tutoring has emerged as a precedented solution to the unprecedented disruptions the COVID-19 pandemic has had on students’ academic lives.  During the webinar, “Examining the Evidence: What We’re Learning From the Field About Implementing High-Dosage Tutoring Programs,” hosted by Education Week on Jan. 13, experts and […]

2022 CSBA officers elected at Delegate Assembly

At the 2021 winter meeting of the Delegate Assembly, which took place in San Diego Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, it was confirmed that Dr. Susan Heredia of Natomas Unified School District will continue to serve as CSBA’s President in 2022.   Susan Markarian of Pacific Union Elementary SD will serve as President-Elect […]

Report covers prevalence of hostile behaviors on K-12 campuses, how to address it

Millions of students across America experience hostile behaviors such as bullying while in school — having the potential to negatively impact their well-being both short- and long-term. This is according to the United States Government Accountability Office’s report “K-12 Education: Students’ Experiences with Bullying, Hate […]

How the federal government and LEAs are preserving and celebrating Native American culture

Federal agencies and California schools are making efforts to celebrate Native American culture this November for National Native American Heritage Month. On Nov. 15, the United States Departments of the Interior, Education and Health and Human Services announced an initiative aimed at preserving, protecting and […]