Webinar examines details around school worker vaccination verification

As local educational agencies work to comply with the state’s vaccination verification order for school workers by Oct. 15, the California Association of School Business Officials and law firm Lozano Smith hosted a webinar on hot topics surrounding the situation. Clarification on the order itself […]

CDE prepares stakeholders for long-awaited growth model release

The California Department of Education on Sept. 22 will release the initial set of historical student growth data on student achievement for English language arts and math on its Growth Model webpage, officials announced in a Sept. 13 webinar. The “residual gain” model calculates differences […]

Legislative update: Education bills on the Governor’s desk as session ends

After an unusually quiet final night of the first year of the 2021—22 legislative session —made possible by COVID-era limits on the number of bills and an ambitious budget that absorbed some of this year’s biggest policy proposals — the Legislature recessed for the rest […]

CSBA webinar highlights lessons learned about reopening schools during COVID-19

Dr. Naomi Bardach, team lead for California Safe Schools for All, gave an update on the status of COVID-19 in the state as well as lessons learned this back-to-school season during the CSBA webinar “Governing in a Time of Chaos: Board Meetings in the age […]

State Board Report: SBE tackles complex issues as COVID complications linger

In a lot of ways, California is on the right track when it comes to navigating the pandemic, State Board of Education President Linda Darling-Hammond said during the board’s Sept. 9 meeting, which covered changes to the state Local Control and Accountability Plan template, adoption […]

Study on exclusionary discipline shows long-term negative effects on students

A new study from the American Institutes for Research examines the effects of the type and length of suspensions received by middle and high school students’ on their educational outcomes, their same-grade same-school peers’ educational outcomes and school climate. While an abundance of research has […]