Education leaders gather in San Francisco for CSBA’s 2018 Leadership Institute

School board members, administrators, teachers and education advocates from across the state gathered at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco on July 13 and 14 for CSBA’s 2018 Leadership Institute to build skills, learn from experts and network. This year’s theme, “The Science of Leading […]

California aims to be a language leader in the classroom

 Spanish, Vietnamese, Filipino, Korean, Armenian, Mandarin and are just some of the languages taught in California schools. A new initiative announced last week by State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson, Global California 2030, aims to expand the teaching and learning of world languages and […]

New federal data offers insights on school safety, STEM courses and more

Last month, the U.S. Department of Education released its Civil Rights Data Collection  for 2015–16, offering the public new statistics on enrollment demographics, opportunity gaps and other civil rights issues that affect K-12 public school students. The U.S. Dept. of Education also released two accompanying […]