School boards in action: 5 questions with Chris Ungar, San Luis Coastal USD

In the midst of a global pandemic, local educational agency boards have continued working to support programs and initiatives that offer students the academic and social-emotional opportunities they need — no matter which mode of instruction they are in. CSBA’s 5 questions series gives board […]

School boards in action: 5 questions with Claudine Jones, Carlsbad USD

In the midst of a global pandemic, local educational agency boards have continued working to support programs and initiatives that offer students the academic and social-emotional opportunities they need — no matter which mode of instruction they are in. CSBA’s 5 questions series gives board […]

Expanded learning opportunities event encourages ‘broader, bolder and smarter’ use of grant funds

California’s K-12 practitioners came together on May 5 for a daylong virtual event focused on how Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant funds, available through Assembly Bill 86, can be used to support student learning recovery and well-being. A collaborative effort by the California AfterSchool Network, California […]

Californians unsatisfied with distance learning, worried schools won’t reopen by fall

Sixty-five percent of Californian adults approve of the way their local school district handled closures caused by the COVID-19 crisis, according to April’s Public Policy Institute of California statewide survey. The 17th annual survey, conducted online in multiple languages between April 1 and 14 of […]

School boards in action: 5 questions with Daina Lujan, South San Francisco USD

In the midst of a global pandemic, local educational agency boards have continued working to support programs and initiatives that offer students the academic and social-emotional opportunities they need — no matter which mode of instruction they are in. CSBA’s 5 questions series gives board […]

New report examines how graduation requirements impact student outcomes

High school graduation policies play an important role in promoting equitable outcomes for students, according to a recent Public Policy Institute of California report. Does Raising High School Graduation Requirements Improve Student Outcomes? reviewed district graduation policies from the 2018–19 academic year and looked at […]