School Boards in Action: 5 Questions with Linda Lunn, Murrieta Valley USD

Linda Lunn, trustee, Murrieta Valley Unified School District and CSBA Delegate for Region 18

What did your district do to foster learning recovery and educational advancements during the 2021–22 school year? What do you have planned for the 2022–23 school year to continue this progress?

Both intervention and acceleration supports were developed so that students, no matter how the pandemic treated them, are getting opportunities to accelerate their learning as if the pandemic hadn’t occurred. We have been diligent to understand that recovery time may be needed for programs and/or achievement levels and we are patient but prescriptive as the recovery for students, family and staff take place.

What summer extended learning opportunity programs is your district offering?

Targeted summer school for all levels PK–12 is available. Both the special education and regular education summer schools are being held on the same campus this year for inclusion opportunities. Transportation is free and furnished by the district, including transportation to/from summer school to summer camp/Student Enrichment Extended Day programs.

Please describe the current morale in your district. What is the board doing to improve or maintain it? What types of professional development priorities or supports do you have planned for teachers and staff?

Reopening schools and the ability to choose to mask or not has been the defining turning point for morale for staff and parents and students. Activities, events, parent involvement in schools and classrooms has now fully returned to normal. With that, morale is rising but 2021–22 has left our team tired. Services and training in supporting mental health for all are focus areas. Interestingly, our latest Local Control and Accountability survey results are in line with the recent NPR/Ipsos national poll featured in the May 2, 2022, CSBA Daily News Roundup, “By wide margins — and regardless of their political affiliation — parents express satisfaction with their children’s schools and what is being taught in them,” an NPR article states.

What are some ways the district is sharing positive news and/or support with families and the community?

Posting to social media platforms; sharing good stories of individual and group achievements; and a network of systems of support through parent groups, leaders and ambassadors so that families and students easily hear of supports that are present.

What fictional character do you most relate to and why?

“Fern was up at daylight, trying to rid the world of injustice,” Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. I love Fern for her commitment to making her world a better place. Although she is not the central character, she quietly puts good into action. She gives the stars of the story the nudge and sideline support to shine and live their best life. I’d like to think I can perform the same role for the students of MVUSD.