Commission on State Mandates finalizes decision completing CSBA’s legal challenge to protect school funding and autonomy

The Commission on State Mandates adopted its Decision and Parameters and Guidelines Amendment regarding Graduation Requirements on July 23, 2021, partially approving the Department of Finance’s request to use existing funding as offsetting revenue to pay for state mandates on local educational agencies. The commission’s […]

American Association of Pediatrics recommends universal masking in schools

Much like school-related guidance released in recent weeks from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the California Department of Public Health, updated guidance from the American Association of Pediatrics focuses on returning all students to in-person instruction safely in the 2021–22 school year. […]

Schools play an important role in immunization awareness

As students around the country begin to return to in-person instruction during National Immunization Awareness Month, the Biden Administration kicked off new efforts to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations among youth ages 12 and older — one of the surest mitigation strategies to battle the virus and […]

Orange County Board of Education forum denounces critical race theory, discusses ethnic studies

The Orange County Board of Education on July 27 hosted a forum exploring critical race theory, ethnic studies and concerns from the community about the topics. The forum featured five panelists who generally spoke against implementing specific ethnic studies courses in schools and denounced critical […]

Ninth Circuit upholds closure of public schools during pandemic, but finds state infringed on rights of private school students

On July 23, 2021, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a legal challenge to California’s decision to close public schools to in-person instruction and provide online distance learning in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the court reversed the lower court’s decision toward private […]

Vaccines and outdoor education key to reopening schools safely

Among the strategies highlighted by health and education experts during a July 29 webinar held by the California Department of Education to help local educational agencies safely return to in-person instruction, one was repeated throughout: “Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines — really important,” said Dr. Naomi Bardach, […]