Creative solutions and state and federal supports needed to solve teacher shortages

As the COVID-19 pandemic drags on, schools are struggling to fill teaching positions — and not only due to exposure to the virus. A new report by the Learning Policy Institute, Teacher Shortages During the Pandemic: How California Districts Are Responding, shares the results of […]

Learning self-efficacy, improving outcomes for African American students in Bakersfield

This Black History Month, CSBA spotlights programs helping to close opportunity and achievement gaps. In Bakersfield City School District, a program for African American students is empowering young people to challenge common notions and media portrayals of what it is to be a Black youth […]

Broadband connectivity has grown drastically, but there is still room for improvement

Nearly 60 percent of school districts across the county now meet the Federal Communication Commission’s internet connectivity benchmark, representing a 25 percent uptick since 2020, according to new research from Connected Nation and Funds For Learning. That said, there remains significant progress to be made […]

Latino student participation, success in college can be improved with supports

While Latino students make up 55 percent of K-12 students in California, only 43 percent of public higher education students in the state are Latino, according to “2021 State of Higher Education for Latinx Californians,” a report from the Campaign for College Opportunity.   Ensuring that Latino students, California’s largest ethnic group, have equitable educational […]

High-dosage tutoring best practices covered at webinar

Long recognized as a tool to help accelerate learning, tutoring has emerged as a precedented solution to the unprecedented disruptions the COVID-19 pandemic has had on students’ academic lives.  During the webinar, “Examining the Evidence: What We’re Learning From the Field About Implementing High-Dosage Tutoring Programs,” hosted by Education Week on Jan. 13, experts and […]

CDPH updates K-12 quarantine recommendations and introduces new contact tracing approach

The California Department of Public Health on Jan. 12 updated its COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools to include new quarantine recommendations and introduce a group contact tracing approach that can be used by local educational agencies. Student close contacts who have completed the […]

New laws targeting controversial issues already having chilling effect, report finds

A recent analysis of state-level legislation introduced to curtail the teaching of ethnic studies or critical race theory suggests many of the laws are written so vaguely that they may chill a broad range of speech. PEN America, an advocacy group that promotes the protection […]

Parents largely satisfied with schools’ efforts to support children

While stories about parents’ anger over pandemic-related school closures, mitigation protocols and shifting curriculum dominated the news in 2021, the latest data suggests families are less concerned now than they were earlier in the pandemic. Researchers from the USC Rossier School of Education and USC […]