State Board approves student assessment report revisions, community schools framework

In a packed one-day meeting on Jan. 12, the State Board of Education approved several revisions to the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress and English Language Proficiency Assessments for California student score reports, as well as a California Community Schools Partnership Program Framework, […]

2022 CSBA officers elected at Delegate Assembly

At the 2021 winter meeting of the Delegate Assembly, which took place in San Diego Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, it was confirmed that Dr. Susan Heredia of Natomas Unified School District will continue to serve as CSBA’s President in 2022.   Susan Markarian of Pacific Union Elementary SD will serve as President-Elect […]

Governor issues new temporary executive order intended to address school staffing shortages

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a temporary executive order on Tuesday, Jan. 11, aimed at increasing staffing flexibility in response to shortages caused by the current surge in COVID-19 cases. The order, which takes effect immediately and expires on March 31, will: Allow local educational agencies to issue 30-day […]

Governor’s budget proposal addresses LCFF COLA and declining enrollment; ignores other issues

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s 2022–23 Budget Proposal represents an unprecedented investment in K-14 schools. The Governor’s decision to fully fund the Local Control Funding Formula cost-of-living adjustment with $3.3 billion that school districts and county offices of education can use to meet the specific needs of […]

Saluting trustees during School Board Recognition Month

This January during School Board Recognition Month, CSBA salutes local educational agency boards and encourages communities around California to do the same. Roughly 5,100 California school board trustees — the largest group of elected officials in the state — aid in supporting student success by […]

New guidance offers tips for virtual learning policy

Virtual learning wasn’t created to accommodate students during pandemic-related school closures, but with more students enrolled than ever before in virtual programs — and districts throughout the country considering making them a permanent option — it is critical that policymakers develop virtual school frameworks that […]