LEAs, federal leaders share how they’re addressing youth mental health

“Addressing the Student Mental Health Crisis,” a webinar hosted by the Healthy Schools Campaign on Sept. 14, showcased how some local educational agencies are handling the challenge as well as what’s being done at the federal level. “The last two-and-a-half years have been intensely difficult […]

National data emphasizes need for sustained mental health supports and training

Many students are not receiving adequate health education and services needed for healthy development, despite widespread desire expressed among education officials to address these issues, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s latest School Health Profiles. For instance, nationwide, 90 percent schools worked […]

School counselor recruitment efforts now underway

The California Department of Education is kickstarting efforts to recruit 10,000 new school-based mental health clinicians, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond announced during an Aug. 4 press conference. The latest state budget provides for new and expanded grant opportunities for aspiring mental health […]

CSBA webinar gives local context to COVID relief spending report

CSBA hosted a webinar on July 12 to discuss its new report, Unprecedented Times, Unprecedented Responses: An Analysis of Federal COVID-19 Relief Fund Spending in California Public Schools. District leaders detailed their experiences during the event and CSBA staff shared how board members can effectively […]

TikTok backlash highlights need to address digital literacy among students, families and policymakers

Last fall, local educational agencies throughout the country were inundated with news of rising youth misbehavior and mental health challenges linked to the social media app TikTok, which has become increasingly popular among children and teens. Stories of stolen and destroyed soap dispensers, mirrors, sinks […]