U.S. Supreme Court affirms school violated student’s First Amendment rights, but allows for some regulation of off-campus speech

On June 23, 2021, in Mahanoy Area School District v. B. L., the United States Supreme Court issued a highly anticipated opinion addressing a public school’s ability to regulate off-campus student speech. In an 8-1 decision, the Court held that while public schools may regulate […]

Superior court denies preliminary injunction in Cayla J. v. State of California  

On June 15, 2021, the Alameda County Superior Court made its first ruling in Cayla J. v. State of California, denying a motion for preliminary injunction in a lawsuit alleging that California has failed to offer equal education to low-income students of color during the […]

CSBA files objection to Proposition 98 certification due to miscalculation of ERAF

CSBA filed a letter with the Department of Finance and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on May 27, 2021, formally objecting to DOF’s certification of Proposition 98 for the 2019–20 budget year. CSBA’s objection is based on the ground that the certification underestimates the constitutionally […]

Judge certifies class-action status in Reyes v. State of California

By order of a Sacramento County Superior Court dated Feb. 26, 2021, class certification has been granted to a group of nonclassroom-based charter schools, their students and other waitlisted students, to represent all 308 nonclassroom-based charter schools in California in a lawsuit challenging the state’s […]

Authorizing school districts reach repayment settlement in charter school fraud case

In May 2019, a Grand Jury in San Diego County indicted 11 individuals involved in the group A3 Education, which ran 19 charter schools across California. The indictment alleged a scheme to siphon state funds for charter schools to A3 and the criminal defendants. During […]

Litigation and school districts: Providing FAPE amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Despite the remarkable efforts school districts have made to meet the legal and practical requirements of educating all students during the COVID-19 pandemic, lawsuits related to distance learning and school closures were inevitable, including lawsuits related to educating students receiving special education services. For some […]