Sequestration … It’s here with more federal cuts coming

by Erika Hoffman, CSBA Legislative Advocate On March 1, the sequester – the automatic, across-the-board federal budget cuts to both defense and non-defense programs – took effect. The federal Office of Management and Budget issued orders notifying agencies to make spending cuts.   Although some […]

SBE: The API’s future prompts deep discussion of what is, and what can be

By Teri Burns, Senior Director for Policy and Programs The two-day March State Board of Education meeting this week included a number of agendized action and information items, but the most interesting conversation came about unscripted, as part of what might have been a relatively simple […]

Commission on Teacher Credentialing gears up for new year

At the year’s first meeting of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing Jan. 31-Feb. 1, new chair Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond committed to an active year. The professor of education at Stanford University, co-director of the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education and widely published and […]

CSBA at the table in talks on Brown’s weighted student funding formula

CSBA joined dozens of other education officials invited to the table this month to provide input on a new funding model for schools based on a weighted student formula. Following up his unsuccessful attempt to impose a weighted student formula in last year’s budget, Gov. […]

School boards should plan to review policies annually

Each year, new legislation, court decisions, administrative regulations and societal changes create the need for local school boards to review and update their district policies. A regular schedule of policy review and revision helps ensure that a district’s policies actually reflect the community’s values, beliefs […]