California initiative to combat toxic stress makes significant strides in first four years, study shows

Since the ACEs Aware initiative was launched in 2019, more than 2.3 million ACE screens have been conducted of more than 1.5 million Medi-Cal members, according to a report released May 10 by the UCLA-UCSF ACEs Aware Family Resilience Network (UCAAN) and the California Department […]

Barriers remain to diversify California’s teacher workforce

Despite efforts over the years to recruit an educator workforce as racially and ethnically diverse as the students served throughout California, systemic barriers to diversifying the teacher workforce are hindering progress, according to new research from the UCLA Center for the Transformation of Schools (CTS) […]

Experts share advice on instructional materials adoption at CSBA webinar

CSBA’s May 30 webinar featured expert panelists providing an overview of the state’s instructional materials adoption process, requirements and guidance for local educational agencies, information on understanding current context and minimizing conflict during the selection period, and trustee perspectives as well as a Q&A. Instructional materials can include textbooks, technology-based materials and other educational tools and tests.