Governor and Legislature agree to budget deal

On June 22, Gov. Gavin Newsom and the State Legislature announced an agreement on the state budget that largely reflected the budget proposal adopted by the Legislature earlier this month — but with some important modifications that pose concern for local educational agencies. The inclusion of provisions that were not present or disclosed in earlier summaries reinforced the wisdom of CSBA’s decision to avoid a full endorsement of any budget deals before the exact language of the terms was available.

Commission on Teacher Credentialing deep dives into its exams

During the June 20-21 meeting of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), commissioners reviewed several reports, including an analysis of the passing rates of commission-approved examinations from the last five years; continued an ongoing discussion and data review on teaching performance assessments (TPAs) and […]

Resources and strategies to support LEAs after incidents of school violence

Experts provided trauma-informed recovery strategies and resources for rebuilding a safe and supportive school climate following an incident of school violence during a May 22 webinar from the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments. U.S Department of Education Policy Advisor Kayla Patrick noted that […]

Rural Math Collaborative: Providing tailored programs and strategies to boost math achievement

Since the adoption of California’s new Mathematics Framework, the Rural Math Collaborative (RMC) has made significant strides in its efforts to improve math education in small, rural local educational agencies. Led by Lake County and Butte County in partnership with the California Collaborative for Educational […]

Survey finds majority of parents support mental health services in schools

A new survey from Action for Healthy Kids asked parents and caregivers from across the country what worries them most about their children’s health and what would resolve those concerns. According to its results, parents worry most about  their child’s time spent on electronics, their […]

New guidance and checklist aims to support LEAs in vetting edtech and AI tools

On April 24, the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) released a checklist and accompanying policy brief to provide local educational agencies clarity and guidance as they vet generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools for compliance with student privacy laws. Despite the speed at which technology develops […]

Legislature passes budget; Governor yet to agree

On June 13, the State Legislature sent its budget to the Governor for his consideration. The main budget bill, Assembly Bill 107 reflects the priorities of the Legislature in response to the Governor’s budget proposals. This will not be the final version of the budget since the Governor has yet to agree to all of the elements included in the budget bill. As such, negotiations between the Legislature and the Governor will continue.