by Julie Maxwell-Jolly, Policy & Programs Officer
The CSBA post-doctoral fellows program is a new collaboration between Drexel University and CSBA. The fellows program is the result of CSBA’s effort to establish partnerships with universities and other organizations. These partnerships help advance the policy leadership and priorities of CSBA by adding to CSBA’s human capital, expanding the high-quality information we provide to the members, and building understanding of governance issues and the needs of governance teams.
The fellows will work with CSBA policy and program staff to turn their doctoral research into governance briefs that will provide timely, pertinent, and useful information to CSBA members on some topics of critical interest: homeless youth, blended learning, teacher burnout (and how to avoid it), and successful alternative education settings for at risk students. You can read about the fellows and the topics of their research on the CSBA website.
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