Legislature agrees on budget that rejects K–12 education cuts, counts on federal aid

The Legislature on Wednesday unveiled a 2020–21 budget proposal that prioritizes education and rejects the $8.1 billion in cuts to Proposition 98 funding called for in Gov. Gavin Newsom’s May Revision proposal, including the 10 percent reduction to the Local Control Funding Formula. The Senate […]

CCEE webinar offers distance learning needs, strategies for small districts

Weighing the digital divide and its particular challenges in rural areas lacking needed infrastructure, experts say a blend of analog and digital learning opportunities is one practical solution to engage students as the school year ends and summer offerings begin. Also strongly encouraged during a […]

Executive order temporarily suspends exam requirements for teacher candidates

Individuals enrolled in teacher preparation programs during the 2019–20 school year will be allowed to obtain their California preliminary credential without a teaching performance assessment, if they were unable to complete the requirement due to COVID-19 school and testing center closures. The relief for prospective […]

CSBA, Education Coalition caution that schools cannot safely reopen with current funding

CSBA joined administrators, business officials, educators, classified personnel and parents on Thursday as the Education Coalition urged California’s lawmakers to adopt a 2020–21 budget that provides sufficient funding to safely reopen schools this fall. Among other severe cuts, the May Revision slashes 10 percent from […]

National guidance provides considerations to jumpstart high school athletics

When student athletes return to campus in the fall, neither classrooms nor extracurricular activities will look the same. Under new guidance from the National Federation of State High School Associations, social distancing must be taken into account, and high-contact sports may not return for some […]

COVID-19 webinar explores legal, policy and instructional aspects of special education

Of all the challenges faced by local educational agencies during the COVID-19 crisis, questions around providing services and learning opportunities to students with disabilities have been at the top of the list. Absent waivers to requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, schools have […]