Students who engage in civic life are healthier, aim higher — but gaps exist

Higher rates of teenage civic engagement are tied to being healthier, missing fewer days of school, receiving better grades and having higher aspirations of attending college, according to a new study by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. Researchers also found vast differences in […]

Federal commission releases school safety report; sparks debate about student discipline

Recommendation to roll back Obama-era guidance largely moot in light of California state law A wide-ranging report has intensified the debate over appropriate methods of discipline in a time of increasing concern about student safety. On Tuesday, Dec. 18, the Federal Commission on School Safety […]

Bolstering your district’s LCAP stakeholder engagement might not involve the term ‘LCAP’

When it comes to promoting meaningful community and student engagement and input, schools and districts might want to consider a jolting principle: Why even use the acronym “LCAP” when initially communicating with the audience? Do they know what it is and will using the term […]

CCEE outlines structure, timeline for Community Engagement Initiative networks

After announcing lead partners and launching the program in November, the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence outlined the next steps for its Community Engagement Initiative at its Dec. 6 board meeting. The effort will include a series of multi-year professional learning networks that build district […]

California School Dashboard arrives with new indicators, look for 2018

The fall 2018 version of the California School Dashboard is now live and brings with it several additions and changes for board members to be aware of, namely the presence of a new indicator measuring grades K-8 chronic absenteeism for schools, districts and county offices […]

Free, virtual active shooter training platform now available for schools

Active shooter incidents and other school emergencies require teachers, administrators and staff to become first responders in the blink of eye. A new, free virtual training program from the Department of Homeland Security allows personnel to create and practice response plans for such an incident. […]

Superintendent-elect Thurmond vows to increase K-12 funding; other election news

Superintendent of State Public Instruction-elect Tony Thurmond called for greater K-12 school funding at his introductory press conference on Nov. 20 in Sacramento. “The thing I will work the hardest on is changing how we fund public education in the state. We will never again […]

California’s trailblazing History-Social Science Framework earns national award

For its groundbreaking efforts to provide all students with an engaging and relevant education, California’s instructional guide for history and social science standards recently won the American Historical Association’s Beveridge Family Teaching Prize for distinguished K-12 history teaching. The History-Social Science Framework for California Public […]