The CSBA/Drexel University Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program, launched in the spring of 2013, provides CSBA members with valuable information from the research work of the post-doctoral fellows and for the fellows, in turn, to have the opportunity to share their research with a key audience of school board members. Working with Policy and Programs staff, the fellows edited their extensive dissertation research into user-friendly governance briefs and succinct presentations at this year’s Annual Education Conference and Trade Show.
Month: December 2013
Prelude to a Budget: Assembly Democrats release their 2014-15 budget priorities
The Assembly Democrats released an outline of a 2014-15-budget proposal called “Blueprint for a Responsible Budget” on Dec. 11, just a month before the Gov. Jerry Brown is to release his budget proposal. The outline is organized around two themes: Ensuring Stability and Expanding Opportunity. It does not contain specific expenditures or funding levels; the proposals are to serve as guideposts throughout the budget process and will be updated and refined as additional fiscal information becomes available.
Urban districts look to Linked Learning partnerships as a way to promote equity
The Urban School Districts Luncheon, held during CSBA’s Annual Education Conference and Trade Show in San Diego, focused on veteran board member perspectives of Linked Learning implementation. The event provided an extended opportunity for governance teams, Business Affiliates, and experts from the field a chance to network and discuss how they might partner together to enhance public education within their districts.
How can parents help their children succeed in school?
School district and county Local Control and Accountability Plans provide excellent opportunities for school district and county leaders to form new relationships with parents, as well as enhance existing ones. According to the panelists, if school district leaders genuinely engage parents in the LCAP process they will find enthusiastic allies in their children’s education.
Do healthy kids make good learners?
Regular check-ups, dental care, eyeglasses, and other needed preventive care make a difference in how well children learn. Kids who are insured miss fewer school days and are better able to concentrate in class.