As Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15–Oct. 15) draws to a close, CSBA is pleased to highlight programs across the state that are engaging Latino students and their families, offering important community resources and ultimately helping close achievement gaps. Family Engagement Center draws crowds in Perris […]
Tag: local control
What can principals do to make parents feel more welcome at their child’s school?
The Local Control and Accountability Plan is an exciting new development for local control and what we all hope will be equity. For the equity piece to work as planned, parents must step up to make their voices heard. This is also a time when we must ask, how can school leadership empower parent voices?
LCFF: State hears questions, concerns, desires about new funding formula
Capacity crowds at the first of three public input sessions on implementation of the state’s new school funding formula revealed a thirst for more information and details about the law, as well as concern about its accountability requirements. Local community, district and county education leaders, teachers and classified staff have lots of enthusiasm and interest for successfully implementation of LCFF. There is a strong desire for clarity around the requirements on use of supplemental and concentration funds; for more information and data on the state priorities to be included in the Local Accountability Plan Templates and for authentic engagement of parents and especially parents of English learners and African-American students.