Proposed May Revise Prop 98 “funding maneuver” violates the Constitution

Act now to tell the Governor and Legislature to reject the maneuver and protect Prop 98!

Last week, Gov. Gavin Newsom released his May Revise for the 2024–25 budget. Included in the budget is a proposal that would undermine Proposition 98 and violate the State Constitution. We’re asking all California school board members and education supporters to voice their opposition to this unprecedented maneuver in the May Revise that would effectively dismantle Proposition 98 and permanently destabilize TK-14 education funding.

The May Revise would reclassify $8.8 billion in 2022–23 Prop 98 funding —  funding that has already been appropriated and spent to support our students — as a loan to the state to be repaid over a five-year period beginning in 2025–26. This would not just manipulate the 2022–23 Prop 98 Guarantee, it would deprive schools of billions of dollars and devastate school funding for years to come. Also, by legitimizing this manipulation of Prop 98, it would set a dangerous precedent — where the Governor or Legislature could undermine Prop 98 and public school funding whenever the state is unable to meet the minimum level of funding for education. (For more information on the numerous threats posed by the Prop 98 maneuver, visit CSBA’s budget resources webpage.)

Contact the Governor and Legislature NOW and tell them to reject the May Revise “funding maneuver” and protect Prop 98 and the Constitution »