Sudden cardiac arrest in student athletes: What are schools’ responsibilities?

There is renewed attention on how quickly the health of athletes can change following the on-field collapse of NFL player Damar Hamlin on Jan. 2, when the Buffalo Bills safety suffered cardiac arrest during a game. In Hamlin’s case, those on the scene quickly sprung […]

Legal update: Recent developments regarding school districts and parcel taxes

By Bode Owoyele, CSBA Associate General Counsel Parcel taxes have long been an essential part of school financing in California. Under the state Constitution, a school district may impose a special tax when a ballot measure proposing the tax is supported by two-thirds of qualified […]

Governor’s budget continues most commitments to TK-12 education despite budget shortfall

Gov. Gavin Newsom released his 2023–24 Budget Proposal on Jan. 10, outlining a $297 billion budget proposal and officially kicking off the budget season. Despite a slowing economy and what the Newsom Administration projects to be a $22.5 billion dollar state General Fund shortfall, the […]

School finance reforms prove valuable for improving student achievement

Spoiler alert: financial investments in K-12 education matter greatly when it comes to ensuring equitable access and opportunities for students and improving academic achievement. A recent Learning Policy Institute webinar “Money Matters: Evidence Supporting Greater Investment in Public Education” covered the history of school finance […]

Survey finds most parents are happy with the quality of K-12 education

The majority of parents, both Democrat and Republican, are satisfied with the quality of education their children are receiving, according to an October report Parents Differ Sharply by Party Over What Their K-12 Children Should Learn in School from Pew Research Center. The report summarizes […]

National data shines light on challenges surrounding staffing shortages

Schools across the country continue to face challenges related to teacher vacancies, supply chain issues and more — particularly those in low-income areas serving more minority students, according to data released Dec. 6 by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). […]