Supreme Court rules in favor of student seeking monetary compensation under the Americans with Disabilities Act

On March 21, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a unanimous opinion, holding that students receiving special education services who file suit under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) seeking monetary compensation do not first have to exhaust administrative procedures under the Individuals with Disabilities […]

Sacramento COE leaders detail plans to expand mental health access in every school

Cooperation and building understanding should be key aspects of any attempt to expand and align youth mental health supports across a county, experts said during a recent panel discussion on an innovative collective-impact approach to reimagine mental health care taking place in Sacramento schools. The […]

San Mateo COE suit alleges social media platforms negatively impact student mental health

On March 13, 2023, the San Mateo County Board of Education and county superintendent filed suit against YouTube, Snap (formerly Snapchat) and TikTok in the federal district court for the Northern District, alleging that these social media companies designed their platforms and/or applications to intentionally […]

New report calls for path to climate-resilient and sustainable schools

Recognizing demands from students and the urgent action needed to combat climate change, a statewide coalition of nearly 50 stakeholders — including doctors, medical and environmental health researchers, educators, youth and community groups, and other experts — convened in 2021 to examine the challenges of […]

Elementary social studies needs an overhaul, research finds

Basic infrastructure to support K-5 social studies instruction — academic standards, accountability requirements, teacher evaluation, professional learning opportunities, guidance around materials and assessment programs — is inadequate in many states, according to new Rand Corporation research. And even where state-level infrastructure to guide teachers’ instruction […]

Local and state leaders discuss disproportionate discipline

In light of recent findings that discipline rates have increased, particularly for African American and Native American children and students with disabilities, the California Department of Education hosted a panel on March 2 focused on alternatives to discipline. State and local education leaders and advocates […]

The progress of using federal COVID-19 aid in California — winter 2022 update

By Jeremy Anderson The first spending deadline for the historic federal COVID relief funding known as the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER I) fund and the Governors’ Emergency Education Relief (GEER I) fund was Jan. 30, 2023. These 2020 funding packages were the […]