AAPI Heritage Month spotlight: Fresno Unified commits to helping preserve Hmong language, culture 

Students in Fresno Unified School District’s Hmong Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program spend time each day learning in English and in Hmong. Two elementary schools currently participate, serving 338 students.  “We have already prepared our pathway for expansion into middle school to welcome our Hmong […]

Lessons learned from a Los Angeles teacher residency program

Working intentionally to recruit and create pathways into teaching, encouraging strong mentors and mentor–mentee relationships, offering new teachers a community of peers, and having adequate and focused program staff capacity are some elements of a successful residency program, according to Partnership for Los Angeles Schools’ […]

Bold Senate budget plan released in advance of Governor’s May Revise

In a victory for CSBA and other education advocacy organizations, the State Senate released its “Protect Our Progress” budget framework, which outlines a bold plan that rejects education funding cuts and delays proposed by Gov. Gavin Newsom’s January budget. The budget framework would add $3 […]

Commission on Teacher Credentialing moves major initiatives forward

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing met April 19-21 to take action on items sent back for revision including the regulatory package for the PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Credential, Teaching Performance Assessment standards for literacy instruction, and subject matter competence requirements. PK-3 credential […]

New federal challenge for CTE expansion open for submissions

Applications are open for the Career Z Challenge, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education to promote creative solutions to expand student access to high-quality work-based learning opportunities that will prepare youth for current workforce needs in growing sectors. Local educational agencies and consortiums are […]

Earth Day provides students an opportunity to advocate for climate change efforts

More than 50 years since the first Earth Day was held to raises awareness of the need to reduce pollution and protect the planet’s natural resources for future generations, students continue to take on the challenge. In Rialto Unified School District, students organized a free […]

New report highlights factors needed for strong MTSS implementation

New report highlights factors needed for strong MTSS implementation Local needs, strong leadership and relationships are all at the center of proper implementation of Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), according to a new report from the University of California, Los Angeles’ Center for the Transformation […]