Millions of eligible children disenrolled from Medicaid following pandemic policy rollback

Children account for nearly 40 percent of the 10.6 million Medicaid disenrollments reported by states as of Nov. 14, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, which tracks state Medicaid data. As of September 2023 in California, nearly 704,000 people have been disenrolled, 21 percent (more […]

From awareness to action: How administrators can manage school bullying

By Madeline Buitelaar Reports on the rise In recent years, districts across California have been experiencing a rise in reports of bullying and harassment among students. Today’s youth face ever-increasing avenues where they can be bullied, including the evolving social media landscape. While this may […]

Webinar covers how to foster restorative practices in schools

The benefits of restorative practices and the conditions needed to successfully implement restorative approaches in educational systems were discussed during a recent webinar hosted by the Learning Policy Institute. As K-12 communities grapple with the psychological trauma students have experienced and continue to encounter, research […]

California School Dashboard shows decrease in chronic absenteeism

The 2023 California School Dashboard, released by the state Department of Education on Dec. 15, reports performance measures for schools and local educational agencies on multiple state and local indicators. This year marks a return to the color-coded ratings after years of only displaying current […]

Implementing MTSS to improve graduation rates for English learners

Overall graduation rates for English learners (ELs) have increased in recent years, but they are still less likely to reach the academic milestone than their native English-speaking peers, according to the UCLA Center for the Transformation of Schools’ new brief, “The State of High School […]

New research examines impact of TK as California expands access

As California continues to expand access to transitional kindergarten (TK), new research from the Public Policy Institute of California finds benefits and potential pitfalls should burgeoning trends go unaddressed. For instance, TK leads to earlier identification of multilingual students in need of English language support […]