Using chronic absence data to create change

The new brief “Seize the Data: Using Chronic Absence Data to Drive Student Engagement,” a joint publication of CSBA and Attendance Works released in March, provides an overview of chronic absenteeism in California and information on the student groups it impacts most as well as questions that board members can consider when assessing the issue, ways to address it and related resources. 

Governor and Legislature agree on early action to reduce budget shortfall

On April 4, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Speaker of the Assembly Robert Rivas (D–Hollister) and Senate President Pro Tem Mike McGuire (D–Healdsburg) announced an agreement to take early action on the budget to lower the state’s projected deficit. Although the announced measures do not touch on […]

Survey results show how students are using social media and devices

Social media use among young people has been linked to everything from mental health struggles to increased ability to find supportive communities, so it’s important that families and educators have an understanding of how students are interacting with social media. The Social Institute — which […]

Federal experts highlight dangers of young people accessing illicit substances online

Growing concerns about the effects of social media on youth mental health have expanded to stemming use of social media among young people to purchase illicit substances. Local educational agencies play a vital role in partnerships addressing this issue. A March 20 webinar hosted by […]

California LEAs ramp up support for multilingual learners

April is National Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month — a time to recognize efforts local educational agencies are making to uplift the cultural and linguistic assets of K-12 students.  The ability to speak more than one language is increasingly being celebrated and encouraged in education. California’s English Learner (EL) Roadmap Policy, State Seal of Biliteracy program and the launch of the federal Being Bilingual is a Superpower initiative are some recent examples of steps being taken to support high-quality language programs.  

Webinar on supporting newcomer youth provides local and national perspectives and resources

Welcoming and engaging environments are critical in ensuring newcomers and their families thrive in and out of the classroom, and schools play a vital role in providing trauma-informed care and social-emotional developmental practices, according to experts. A March 13 webinar hosted by the U.S. Department […]

AI put on the backburner as superintendents address other pressing issues

Nearly all school superintendents (97 percent) agree schools have an obligation to teach students how to use artificial intelligence (AI) effectively and responsibly, yet only 37 percent have a plan for incorporating AI instruction in the classroom, according to the 2024 Voice of the Superintendent […]

President’s message: 58 COEs, 940 school districts, one united association

By CSBA President Albert Gonzalez As a longtime school board member and lifelong learner, I relish the opportunity to receive training, share my perspective and engage with colleagues on governance issues. It’s one of the reasons I became so involved with and remain a huge […]

Former California superintendents discuss attracting and retaining LEA leaders

An EdSource roundtable conversation on Jan. 30, “Superintendents are quitting: What can be done to keep them?,” featured four former California superintendents discussing the challenges of the job and how best to support and retain these key district and county leaders. Among the top recommendations […]