Coronavirus update: California officials to provide ongoing guidance to LEAs dealing with COVID-19 closures

State education and health officials convened March 18 for a webinar meant to ease some concerns held by county and district leaders surrounding the long-term, widespread school closures caused by the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Currently, more than 98 percent of the state’s […]

Coronavirus update: Passage of Senate Bill 117 offers relief to school districts, COEs

On Monday, March 16, the Legislature and the Governor took special action to support agencies grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic, including passage of SB 117, a bill providing relief to school districts, county offices of education, and childcare centers. CSBA appreciates the swift work to […]

Governor issues executive order ensuring state funding for coronavirus-related school closures

Early on the evening on March 13, 2020, Gov. Newsom issued an executive order addressing some of the unresolved questions prompted by coronavirus-related school closures. The order ensures that districts will receive state funding as normal and will not lose Average Daily Attendance (ADA) revenue […]

Dashboard updates stir strong State Board debate; coronavirus impacts discussed

A regular annual update to the State Board of Education at its March 11–12 meeting about the California School Dashboard raised serious questions and concerns from board members about several proposals. While only an information item, the board informed California Department of Education staff that […]

Information for Schools on Responding to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

Each day, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has a greater impact on our lives. Epidemiologists have indicated that the outbreak is accelerating and will likely be with us for some time. As stewards of a community’s most valuable resource — its children — school trustees have […]

State, local bond measures see newfound struggles in primary election

The March 3 primary election results have thus far delivered disappointing results as California districts work to provide students with healthy, safe and modern schools and classrooms. The campaign for Proposition 13 — the largest school facilities bond measure in state history at $15 billion […]

Board members share what they’ve learned in final meeting of CSBA Equity Network

Closing persistent opportunity gaps requires a commitment to educational equity. In summer 2018, CSBA launched an Equity Network with a grant from the Stuart Foundation, providing extensive support and professional development to board members across California on concepts related to educational equity. Topics addressed included […]