CSBA-sponsored bills move forward

The Legislature is nearing the end of the two-year 2023–24 legislative session as both the Senate and the Assembly work their way through the hundreds of remaining bills.

Among those moving forward is a package of CSBA-sponsored legislative measures that together will reduce administrative workloads associated with the substantial number reports required of local educational agencies, ensure that the state provides much-needed support to small school districts in the acquisition of state bond funds, and help improve the delivery of dual enrollment courses for high school students.

SB 1315 — Reducing administrative burdens on school districts

Senate Bill 1315 (Archuleta, D-Pico Rivera) is an important measure that would require the California Department of Education (CDE) to produce a report on the number of state and federal reports required of LEAs. By assessing the number, type and scope of reports, the CDE can help identify where information could be condensed and where some reports could be eliminated — helping LEAs free up more time and resources to provide for the needs of California’s students. This will also help state lawmakers be informed about what reports are most helpful to policy development while dispensing with others that may have no real benefit.

AB 2831 — Supporting small school districts in anticipation of a state school bond

Assembly Bill 2831 by Assemblymember Joshua Hoover (R-Folsom), a former school board member for the Folsom-Cordova Unified School District, proposes to establish an Office of Small School District Facilities and Construction within the CDE. With the placement of a statewide school facilities bond on the November 2024 ballot, this measure will help provide small school districts with the critical support and technical assistance they need to help provide for a safe and productive learning environment through the acquisition of important school facilities funding.

SB 1244 — Improving dual enrollment opportunities for high school students

SB 1244 (Newman, D-Fullerton) would facilitate greater access to community college dual enrollment programs for high school students across California by enhancing the ability of school districts to collaborate with community colleges through College and Career Access Pathway programs. The legislative changes proposed by SB 1244 will streamline the processes for school districts to initiate dual enrollment programs with community colleges, thereby fostering greater collaboration and flexibility in meeting the educational needs of students statewide.

What’s next?

All three bills are currently in the respective Assembly and Senate Appropriations committees, which will dispense with all bills in their possession by August 16. CSBA Governmental Relations will keep CSBA’s membership apprised of the progress of these and opportunities for advocacy.