New briefs detail best and worst practices in serving English learners and immigrant-origin students

Two recently updated briefs from Results for America and the Annenberg Institute at Brown University highlight proven practices local educational agencies can use to engage English learners and immigrant-origin students — a term that encompasses both the first- and second-generation youth — to help them […]

Early literacy report shows narrowing of achievement gaps but slow growth overall

Only half of K-2 students across the U.S. are on track for learning to read, with three in 10 students considered far behind, according to a research brief released March 13 by Amplify, a curriculum and assessment company. Findings show that while schools across the […]

New PACE resources cover the benefits of dual enrollment, students’ college preparedness

Almost 63 percent of California high school seniors felt prepared to begin college and two-thirds were satisfied with the advising they received regarding higher education, Policy Analysis for California Education’s (PACE) brief “The Transition to College: Voices From the Class of 2023,” released in March.

San Diego COE takes a leading role in meeting the needs of homeless youth

County offices of education play a vital role in supporting the education and well-being of the estimated 187,298 homeless students across California.  San Diego COE — one of the state’s three lead Homeless Education Technical Assistance Centers (HE TACs) — has made significant strides in […]

Financial literacy is key for students transitioning into adulthood

April is Financial Literacy Month — the perfect time to revisit Champlain College Center for Financial Literacy’s 2023 national report card on high school financial literacy. Released in December, the report details the state of financial literacy education nationwide, providing recommendations for expanding access, the […]

Preparing students with disabilities for the workforce 

San Joaquin County Office of Education has long prepared students with disabilities for jobs that would allow them to lead more independent lives upon graduation, and by overcoming recent obstacles including the COVID-19 pandemic, county officials have developed additional programming that has further benefited students.  […]

Report looks at how school structures impact math education

Data from the RAND American Mathematics Educator Study on three factors that may impact K-8 students’ math education, are covered in the report Elementary and Middle School Opportunity Structures That Factor into Students’ Math Learning: Findings from the American Mathematics Educator Study, released by the […]