State Board’s proposed changes to student test score classifications could reduce public’s ability to accurately interpret results

The California State Board of Education (SBE) is currently accepting feedback on significant updates to the Student Score Report (SSR) that may impact how a student and their parents interpret the student’s results on state standardized tests.  

The role of obstacle-free healthcare in California’s public schools

By Thomas Shaffer In the current landscape of public school healthcare initiatives, accessibility remains a significant hurdle. Whether talking about mental or physical health services, the majority of schools are still struggling to provide adequate care for their students, staff and educators — even in […]

70 years after Brown v. Board of Education and desegregation in California

Even though the legacy of Brown v. Board of Education lives on in many school districts across the country, certain social and legal trends now pose an even greater threat to it. As we mark the 70th anniversary, it’s important to reflect on California’s role in school desegregation and the ongoing educational opportunities it offers to many students.

President’s message: 58 COEs, 940 school districts, one united association

By CSBA President Albert Gonzalez As a longtime school board member and lifelong learner, I relish the opportunity to receive training, share my perspective and engage with colleagues on governance issues. It’s one of the reasons I became so involved with and remain a huge […]

CSBA releases budget template to help governance teams communicate school finances

By Jeremy Anderson California’s local educational agencies face an uncertain and complex financial landscape as they plan their 2024–25 budgets. Significant state, federal and local budgetary factors are converging at the same time to potentially cause major budgetary problems for many LEAs. To help address […]

Return on Investment: Making the financial case for educational technology

By CSBA Business Affiliate PowerSchool In today’s rapidly changing K-12 landscape, careful decisions about technology investments are increasingly important. While the primary goals of school districts and county offices of education will always be student growth and well-being, these outcomes are seeded by responsible spending. […]

CSBA seeks fixes to address persistent problems encountered by local charter school authorizers

By CSBA Legislative Advocate Carlos Machado Recent developments at the state and local levels have highlighted a few troubling deficiencies in current law related to the charter school authorization process. These issues exacerbate the difficulties that both school districts and county boards of education experience […]

From awareness to action: How administrators can manage school bullying

By Madeline Buitelaar Reports on the rise In recent years, districts across California have been experiencing a rise in reports of bullying and harassment among students. Today’s youth face ever-increasing avenues where they can be bullied, including the evolving social media landscape. While this may […]