Study finds schools increasingly rely on and benefit from anonymous school safety tip lines

More than half of U.S. public middle and high schools operate a tip line aimed at increasing student safety, and more than three in four principals reported that tip lines made them more aware of overall safety issues at their schools, according to recent survey […]

Coronavirus update: California officials to provide ongoing guidance to LEAs dealing with COVID-19 closures

State education and health officials convened March 18 for a webinar meant to ease some concerns held by county and district leaders surrounding the long-term, widespread school closures caused by the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Currently, more than 98 percent of the state’s […]

Board members share what they’ve learned in final meeting of CSBA Equity Network

Closing persistent opportunity gaps requires a commitment to educational equity. In summer 2018, CSBA launched an Equity Network with a grant from the Stuart Foundation, providing extensive support and professional development to board members across California on concepts related to educational equity. Topics addressed included […]

New guidance offers approaches to improve alternative schools and programs

Alternative schools typically have lower graduation rates than traditional campuses, are often expensive and challenging to operate, and rank lower on accountability measures than more conventional schools. However, researchers find that shifts in district and county office of education practices and policies can contribute to […]

Teachers need support as expectations on educators grow, study finds

Policymakers aiming to address an array of stubborn challenges in K-12 education can begin with improving teacher training and preparation; ensuring the equitable distribution of highly qualified, experienced teachers; and taking steps to diversify the educator workforce, according to new research. A new report from […]

Career technical education a growing priority for states, study shows

State policymakers across the country continue to make career technical education a priority, according to new research from Advance CTE, the Association for Career and Technical Education and the Education Commission of the States. The research found that roughly 60 more policies related to CTE […]

Study finds foster youth face significant barriers in transitions to college

California students in the foster care system face more significant barriers during their transition from high school to college than their peers and require tailored supports to overcome them, according to a recent study from the Educational Results Partnership and California College Pathways. Authors of […]

Grassroots group helps build momentum in diversifying tech industry

Each February, African American History Month marks a time for celebrating the achievements of African Americans and recognizing their central role in U.S. history. This month, the CSBA blog will highlight innovative programs that aim to boost African American student achievement. The College Board reported […]

Lessons learned from rural counties working to improve STEM instruction

Rural school districts in California have struggled more to effectively support the implementation of math and science standards than their urban and suburban counterparts, but a recent report from WestEd finds rural counties are overcoming many of the unique obstacles they face. The report, “Rural […]

Budget analysis: State should continue prioritizing pension payments amid escalating costs

A new report from the Legislative Analyst’s Office suggests it is vital that California lawmakers provide school districts with more financial relief in next year’s state budget to mitigate declining enrollments and escalating costs as an economic downturn likely looms. Though Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposed […]