Supporting literacy: What a new survey shows, and one LEA’s efforts to get ahead of the curve

RAND American Teacher Panel findings released Aug. 29 show 40 percent of grade 3-8 teachers hold misconceptions about how students develop word-reading skills, and almost 75 percent say that they need access to more resources to identify and support students with reading difficulties. The San […]

Diversifying STEM fields one student at a time

A diverse workforce in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) not only provides more potential for innovation by leveraging different backgrounds, experiences and points of view, but students who enter these fields are likely to experience higher median earnings and lower rates of unemployment compared […]

Survey shows most adults trust public schools’ book choices

An August report from the Knight Foundation, Americans’ Views  on Book Restrictions in U.S. Public Schools, found that while challenges and restrictions have increased “dramatically” since 2021, two-thirds of Americans oppose restrictions and are confident in public schools’ book selections.

State Board of Education discusses changes to LCAP instructions and innovating systems

The California State Board of Education’s Sept. 11 meeting discussed several items related to the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) template instructions and guidance on digital learning integration and math. It also continued the conversation from the board’s July study session about state policies […]