Business Partner post: Innovative approaches to support migrant students in California

By the IXL Learning content team

In the heart of California’s agricultural region, Coachella Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) is tackling one of education’s most persistent challenges: ensuring academic success for migrant students. With a large population of families following crop cycles throughout the school year, CVUSD has implemented creative solutions to address the unique needs of these students, offering valuable lessons for districts facing similar challenges.

Understanding the migrant student experience

Migrant students often face disrupted educational experiences due to their families’ work patterns. Many join classrooms in October after the fall harvest, while others may leave mid-year and return later. During harvest seasons, their educational experiences vary widely, with some attending multiple schools and others receiving limited or no formal instruction.

These interruptions can lead to significant learning gaps, making it difficult for students to meet grade-level standards. Additionally, many migrant students are English learners, adding another layer of complexity to their educational journey.

Innovative solutions for unique challenges

CVUSD has responded to these challenges with a multifaceted approach, using IXL Math and IXL English language arts to help migrant students fill academic gaps and catch up with their peers:

  • Targeted after-school and summer programs: The district has created specialized programs for migrant children, offering focused instruction, practice and tutoring to help fill learning gaps and catch up on grade-level standards.
  • Individualized skills practice: By utilizing differentiated learning technology powered by IXL, teachers can provide personalized practice that meets each student at their current level and helps them progress at their own pace.
  • Data-driven instruction: Teachers use IXL’s diagnostic assessments and progress monitoring tools to quickly identify learning gaps and differentiate their instruction accordingly.
  • Emphasis on essential standards: The district has identified key academic standards crucial for success in the next grade level, allowing teachers to focus their efforts on these critical areas.
  • Bilingual education: IXL’s curriculum content is offered in English and 50 other languages (including Spanish), supporting students’ English language development while ensuring they don’t fall behind in content areas.
Case study: Patricia Lopez’s classroom

Patricia Lopez, a fifth- and sixth-grade dual language teacher at Saul Martinez Elementary, exemplifies the district’s approach. As a former migrant student herself, she brings a unique perspective to her work in both after-school and summer school programs for migrant students.

“These students often feel like they don’t belong here or there. They need someone to believe in them,” Lopez said. Her approach combines targeted instruction with technology-enhanced learning.

She uses IXL to provide targeted practice and immediate feedback to students. “IXL helps me target the essential standards students need to master. It helps me see where students are struggling and where I need to focus individual attention or small group instruction,” Lopez said.

IXL also helps Lopez tailor small group instruction and one-on-one tutoring, to quickly address specific learning needs identified through ongoing assessments that provide real-time data. “Sometimes it’s just small things that prevent students from progressing,” she said. “IXL really pinpoints where they are struggling, so students know what they need to work on. Students like it because if they get something wrong, they get an explanation. It allows them to be more independent with their learning.”


The impact of these strategies has been significant. In a recent summer school program:

  • Students who began at the lowest proficiency level for all targeted standards showed dramatic improvement in just four weeks.
  • By the end of the program, all students had reached or exceeded grade-level standards in the targeted areas.
  • Beyond academic gains, students showed increased confidence and motivation to learn.

One student’s journey particularly stands out. Initially struggling with low self-esteem and difficulty in math, the student made remarkable progress through targeted practice and support. “Now, he wants to keep learning at home because he can see that he’s getting better each time. He’s doing amazing now because he believes in himself,” Lopez shared.

By addressing both the academic and social-emotional needs of migrant students, districts can help ensure that these often-overlooked learners have the opportunity to thrive. “Being able to give each student what they need is so powerful. When you see how excited students are when they see their progress, you know you’re making a difference,” Lopez concluded.

IXL’s teaching and learning platform is proven to make a positive impact on learning. With a comprehensive PK-12 curriculum, assessment suite, and actionable analytics, IXL provides everything you need to maximize learning for every student.”

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