Cross-sector collaboration needed to improve, expand AI-use in schools

Schools lag in preparing teachers and students for the impact of the unprecedented technological shift that’s been ushered in by artificial intelligence (AI), according to a new report from the Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE). In April 2024, CRPE convened more than 60 state […]

Legislature wraps up the two-year 2023–24 legislative session

Ending at midnight on Aug. 31, the state Legislature adjourned the 2023–24 session. Although it adjourned, the Legislature’s final day will formally be Nov. 30, when the current two-year session formally ends. Although the Legislature’s regular business is done, it its policy work will continue. […]

Report spotlights need to continue social-emotional services even after federal pandemic funding ends

With Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds that have been essential to local educational agencies’ efforts to support students’ mental health and academic needs running dry, a report by EdTrust calls on state leaders to take stock of what worked and prioritize using […]

Commission on Teacher Credentialing provides updates on Literacy Performance Assessment

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing had a  meeting Aug. 29-30, with the second day spent in closed session to discuss a pending legal case. Much of the Aug. 29 agenda focused on progress related to pilot testing and other items associated with the upcoming […]