Search Results for: artificial intelligence

National Suicide Prevention Month: CSBA expert shares the effects of bullying and cyberbullying

Research suggests that youth who experience bullying and/or cyberbullying may be more at risk for suicidal thoughts. In recognition of National Suicide Prevention Month, Angela Asch, CSBA principal research manager and author of the Safe Schools Toolkit section on bullying and cyberbullying, is sharing relevant insights and resources for local educational agencies in this Q&A.   

Cross-sector collaboration needed to improve, expand AI-use in schools

Schools lag in preparing teachers and students for the impact of the unprecedented technological shift that’s been ushered in by artificial intelligence (AI), according to a new report from the Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE). In April 2024, CRPE convened more than 60 state […]

Guidance calls for ‘shared responsibility’ among LEAs and edtech providers in developing AI tools

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Education Technology published guidance for developers of artificial intelligence (AI) for educational settings in July outlining ways in which edtech providers can build trust with local educational agencies as they integrate AI into products and platforms. The guidance […]

New report details rise in number of school districts combatting misinformation

Nearly all members of the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) — 96 percent — consider the spread of false information a problem for school districts, up from 81 percent in 2020. The latest NSPRA survey compiled responses from 364 school communication professionals in January […]

New guidance and checklist aims to support LEAs in vetting edtech and AI tools

On April 24, the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) released a checklist and accompanying policy brief to provide local educational agencies clarity and guidance as they vet generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools for compliance with student privacy laws. Despite the speed at which technology develops […]

Teachers slow to embrace AI, but research suggests the tide may be turning

Despite ever-increasing talk of the potential for artificial intelligence (AI) to transform education, use of AI tools is still uncommon among teachers, according to survey findings released by the Rand Corp. on April 17. However, that is likely to change. The report, Using Artificial Intelligence […]

IQC discusses plans for future framework and instructional materials adoption projects

Media literacy resources and Model School Library Standards as they relate to curriculum framework revisions were among the topics discussed at the May 16 Instructional Quality Commission meeting. Commissioners also received an update on California Arts Education Framework implementation and information on the California Department […]

Common themes emerge among states’ guidance on AI in education

Digital Promise reviewed guidance documents from seven states, including California, on how to approach artificial intelligence (AI) in education. Guidance from these states — which also include North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Virginia, Washington and West Virginia — “vary considerably and yet all respond to a […]

Survey results show how students are using social media and devices

Social media use among young people has been linked to everything from mental health struggles to increased ability to find supportive communities, so it’s important that families and educators have an understanding of how students are interacting with social media. The Social Institute — which […]

AI put on the backburner as superintendents address other pressing issues

Nearly all school superintendents (97 percent) agree schools have an obligation to teach students how to use artificial intelligence (AI) effectively and responsibly, yet only 37 percent have a plan for incorporating AI instruction in the classroom, according to the 2024 Voice of the Superintendent […]