How states are working to address school principal pipeline and effectiveness

Research shows that school leaders play a pivotal role in school and student success, with effective principals boosting attendance, academic achievement and other educational outcomes. However, like the teacher pipeline, the staffing pipeline for principals is facing significant challenges. A recent policy snapshot released by […]

Early childhood data needed to improve services, access and outcomes

Participation in high-quality early care and education programs is crucial in setting children up for success in K-12 and beyond. But challenges including families receiving limited information about services; service providers being overburdened by data submission requirements; and policymakers knowing little about these services and […]

College savings accounts lead to boost in enrollment among underserved youth, study shows

San Francisco’s Kindergarten to College (K2C) program, which provides every child entering kindergarten with a Children’s Savings Account (CSA) seeded with $50 toward their future education, led to significantly more young people enrolling in college with underrepresented students seeing the greatest benefit, according to new […]

Learning recovery is slow and more significant for some student groups, report says

The Center on Reinventing Public Education’s (CRPE) new report, The State of the American Student: Fall 2024, documents how pandemic disruptions impacted and continue to affect vulnerable student populations and offers an overview of overall recovery.

Diversifying STEM fields one student at a time

A diverse workforce in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) not only provides more potential for innovation by leveraging different backgrounds, experiences and points of view, but students who enter these fields are likely to experience higher median earnings and lower rates of unemployment compared […]

Survey finds tutoring is helping students, while poor behavior is harming them and educators

About 90 percent of public schools that provided high-dosage tutoring rated it as being at least moderately effective in improving student outcomes during the 2023–24 school year, according to data released July 16 from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Forty-six percent of respondents […]

Survey finds expanded learning opportunities are reaching the students most in need

New survey findings show 97 percent of California local educational agencies and 88 percent of community-based organizations (CBOs) used Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) funds to serve more students either by opening new programs or expanding existing ones. Based on more than 100 surveys and […]

New report provides snapshot of the state of English learners in California

Californians Together released an inaugural The State of English Learners in California Public Schools report on June 12 that summarizes key demographic and outcome data for English learners using a variety of data sources to examine how they are being served in the education system […]

Study finds incorporating edtech and high-dosage tutoring helps cut costs, maintains quality

Blending high-dosage tutoring time with high-quality educational technology can reduce costs by one-third and halve the number of tutors needed without compromising effectiveness on student learning, according to a working paper released June 3 by the University of Chicago Education (UCE) Lab. When 4,000 students […]