State Board kicks off 2025 covering accountability, curriculum and more

The California State Board of Education (SBE) began the new year by discussing various items related to accountability, curriculum, instructional materials and more during its Jan. 15 meeting. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond opened by recounting the devastation caused by the fires in […]

State Board’s proposed changes to student test score classifications could reduce public’s ability to accurately interpret results

The California State Board of Education (SBE) is currently accepting feedback on significant updates to the Student Score Report (SSR) that may impact how a student and their parents interpret the student’s results on state standardized tests.  

State Board delays changes to student assessment reports, finalizes LCAP template

During its final meeting of 2024, the California State Board of Education (SBE) pushed back updates to student assessment reporting, adopted revisions to the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) template, and heard ideas from student leaders throughout the state to improve their outcomes and […]

State Board of Education discusses changes to LCAP instructions and innovating systems

The California State Board of Education’s Sept. 11 meeting discussed several items related to the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) template instructions and guidance on digital learning integration and math. It also continued the conversation from the board’s July study session about state policies […]

State Board moves ahead on English learner identification, Dashboard changes and more

The State Board of Education (SBE) took action on several crucial items during the first day of its July 10–11 meeting related to a new science metric for the California School Dashboard, eligibility criteria for Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) support determinations, assessment alternatives to […]

Experts share advice on instructional materials adoption at CSBA webinar

CSBA’s May 30 webinar featured expert panelists providing an overview of the state’s instructional materials adoption process, requirements and guidance for local educational agencies, information on understanding current context and minimizing conflict during the selection period, and trustee perspectives as well as a Q&A. Instructional materials can include textbooks, technology-based materials and other educational tools and tests.

SBE nearly doubles community school sites funded through state grants

The California State Board of Education (SBE) meeting on May 8 saw the board take action on community school funding, waivers related to instructional minutes lost to teacher strikes and late start changes, career technical education efforts, reading screeners and charter school grants. The board […]

State Board looks ahead on Dashboard and accountability; adopts revised instructional materials guidance

During a jampacked meeting of the California State Board of Education (SBE) on March 6, the board reviewed the 2024 Accountability Workplan, approved a revised document providing guidance for reviewing and piloting instructional materials, and more. Dashboard and accountability The board reviewed the 2023 California […]

SBE takes nuanced look at chronic absenteeism, assessment data and more

During its final meeting of 2023, the California State Board of Education adopted revisions to the Local Control and Accountability Plan template and instructions, and discussed results of recently released statewide testing and absenteeism data. In October, the California Department of Education released the results […]