From awareness to action: How administrators can manage school bullying

By Madeline Buitelaar Reports on the rise In recent years, districts across California have been experiencing a rise in reports of bullying and harassment among students. Today’s youth face ever-increasing avenues where they can be bullied, including the evolving social media landscape. While this may […]

Facing a crisis head on: Solutions to recruiting and retaining teachers

By Jeff Pelzel California educators have faced a significant challenge on the journey to academic growth: the persistent teacher shortage. Just as things seemed to be looking up after a seven-year increase, there was a 16 percent dip in newly issued teaching credentials, according to […]

California’s nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office releases sobering 2024–25 budget projection

By Chris Reefe, CSBA Legislative Director On Dec. 7, the state’s nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) issued its long-awaited Fiscal Outlook for the 2024–25 fiscal year. The report offered a revised — and extremely sobering — projection of the state budget and significantly more detail […]

Boards of education are key in achieving universal participation in postsecondary financial aid

Submitted by the California Student Aid Commission California recently completed the first financial aid cycle since the launch of the All In for FAFSA/CA Dream Act campaign supporting California’s universal financial aid participation law. This state law requires local educational agencies, including charter schools, to […]

George Brinsmead et al. v Elk Grove Unified School District et al

On Sept. 18, 2023, the Court of Appeal for the Third Appellate District of California issued its opinion reversing the Sacramento County Superior Court’s order of dismissal of a wrongful death complaint against Elk Grove Unified School District (EGUSD). The plaintiffs sued EGUSD for the […]