At their meeting in May, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing attempted to wrap up a number of issues that have been in the works for many months. First up was the issue of adopting updated California Administrator Performance Expectations and draft standards for administrator credential programs. This work has been the subject of stakeholder meetings for more than a year. CSBA has been actively involved in ensuring that the standards provide training in working with boards, community and other elected officials as an important part in the success of a principal in his/her duties.
Is your superintendent meeting performance expectations?
By Christopher Maricle, Policy and Programs Officer It’s that time of year, when boards and superintendents give some thought and energy into fulfilling one of the board’s most critical functions – the superintendent evaluation. It’s through this process that boards practice an important part of […]
Why is Board Member Action Day important?
by Dennis Meyers, assistant executive director, Governmental Relations Board Member Action Day takes place on May 10. On this one day, board leaders from across the state will meet with their Assembly and Senate representatives in their local district offices to discuss key legislation and […]
Torlakson’s good news: More students are graduating; fewer are dropping out
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson had some good news for the California public education community: more students are earning high school diplomas and fewer are dropping out. According to the latest figures from the state’s new data system, which tracks progress of individual […]
There’s power in numbers! Register today for Board Member Action Day, May 10
The theme for CSBA’s Legislative Agenda is Governance First and there’s no better way to demonstrate the importance of local school governance than to participate in Board Member Action Day on May 10. That day, school board members statewide will head to their Assembly Member’s […]
Fontana teamwork is turning young lives around
Suspensions and expulsions were out of control in the Fontana Unified School District in 2010-11, and more than 20 percent of students did not graduate. Further complicating matters, the local police department had arrested more than 1,000 students. Clearly, the situation called for decisive action. […]
Share your expertise at an AEC workshop or table talk
Each year, the Annual Education Conference planning committee asks CSBA members to submit workshop and table talk proposals for programming consideration. This peer-to-peer teaching model ensures that AEC programming is relevant to the current needs and realities of board members from across the state, and […]
Building relationships now can pay off later!
Register today for Board Member Action Day, May 10 By CSBA President Cindy Marks Participating in last year’s Board Member Action Day was a very positive and team building experience. It was so easy to do. CSBA sent me the information and topics to discuss. […]
SBE applauds boldness of unique 9-district NCLB waiver request
The State Board of Education last week agreed to draft a formal comment for federal officials to consider when they rule on an unusual request from a consortium of nine California school districts to receive a waiver from No Child Left Behind requirements. The unified […]
First lady calls on school leaders to help children get active
In a nationwide conference call hosted by first lady Michelle Obama and the Let’s Move! Active Schools initiative on March 19, CSBA Immediate Past President Jill Wynns and several school superintendents from across the country shared what they’re doing to encourage quality physical activity and […]