Drafting a governance handbook and self-evaluation: Steps for LEAs

The four steps that Lake Tahoe Unified School District has utilized to create a governance handbook were covered during the session “Governance Handbook and Board Self-Evaluation” at CSBA’s 2023 Annual Education Conference and Trade Show in December. The majority of local educational agency boards have […]

U.S. scores drop in international assessment but rankings rise

Around 690,000 students took the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) assessment in math, reading and science in 2022, representing about 29 million 15-year-olds from schools in 81 participating countries. Created in 2000, the PISA aims to test the knowledge and skills of students using […]

College access and readiness indicators highlight room for improvement

More Californians are graduating from high school, but many graduates are underprepared for higher education, according to two recent fact sheets from the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) that provide snapshots of college readiness and access across the state. College readiness Recent test scores […]

Large school districts face minimal competition for students

Majority of the 125 largest school districts in the United States face little competition for their students, according to the Thomas B. Fordham Institute’s December report, The Education Competition Index: Quantifying competitive pressure in America’s 125 largest school districts. Public school systems compete with other […]

Millions of eligible children disenrolled from Medicaid following pandemic policy rollback

Children account for nearly 40 percent of the 10.6 million Medicaid disenrollments reported by states as of Nov. 14, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, which tracks state Medicaid data. As of September 2023 in California, nearly 704,000 people have been disenrolled, 21 percent (more […]