Newsom sets tentative reopening date; resources for ventilation upgrades discussed at CDE webinar

With hospitalizations on the decline and more than 20 million vaccine doses administered, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced California’s next steps in recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic on April 6. If vaccine supply is sufficient for all residents 16 and older who wish to be inoculated […]

Authorizing school districts reach repayment settlement in charter school fraud case

In May 2019, a Grand Jury in San Diego County indicted 11 individuals involved in the group A3 Education, which ran 19 charter schools across California. The indictment alleged a scheme to siphon state funds for charter schools to A3 and the criminal defendants. During […]

“High-dosage tutoring” drastically improves learning after COVID

As state and local educational agencies seek out impactful ways to address the learning loss many children experienced this past year as a result of the pandemic, researchers at the University of Chicago Education Lab report promising results from “high-dosage tutoring.” In a study of […]

School boards in action: Commemorating UN vision on universal human rights

Up and down California, local educational agency boards are working tirelessly to make sure students can safely return to campus as quickly as possible in areas that are still in distance learning, and have everything they need to be academically, social-emotionally and physically supported — […]

Summer learning programs will require community support

Partnerships will play a critical role in helping local educational agencies provide high-quality summer learning opportunities to children impacted by the pandemic, according to experts and education practitioners spanning California to Virginia. A March 29 webinar hosted by the U.S. Department of Education and the […]

National school reopening summit emphasizes safety and collaboration

The U.S. Department of Education on March 24 hosted the National Safe School Reopening Summit, which presented three panels discussing different aspects of school reopening from both a scientific and boots-on-the-ground perspective from district representatives around the U.S., including San Diego County’s Cajon Valley Union […]

National data provides late snapshot of school reopening status

Data released March 24 by the U.S. Department of Education shows the majority of children nationwide were receiving some level of in-person instruction at the beginning of 2021, though a substantial number, predominantly youth of color, remained entirely in virtual learning. The survey — which […]

New brief spotlights funding sources to boost student mental health services

Student mental health challenges have been deeply exacerbated by the pandemic, and many state and local policymakers have acknowledged a need to implement strong mental health services to better support children. To aid in this effort, Education Commission of The States released a policy brief […]