Californians unsatisfied with distance learning, worried schools won’t reopen by fall

Sixty-five percent of Californian adults approve of the way their local school district handled closures caused by the COVID-19 crisis, according to April’s Public Policy Institute of California statewide survey. The 17th annual survey, conducted online in multiple languages between April 1 and 14 of […]

Fighting anti-Asian sentiment: An unheralded equity issue

Editor’s note: May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month – a national celebration of  the vibrant and diverse traditions and contributions of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans. This month comes at a pivotal time in the awareness and acknowledgement of the discrimination against Asian Americans in […]

CSBA webinar showcases ways districts can meet student needs with expanded learning opportunities

School district leaders and researchers explored the strategies, investments and best practices for expanded learning initiatives that can address the disruption of COVID-19 on education during a May 4 CSBA webinar. The second in a two-part series, “Expanding Learning: Governance for Developing Effective Learning Recovery […]

School boards in action: 5 questions with Daina Lujan, South San Francisco USD

In the midst of a global pandemic, local educational agency boards have continued working to support programs and initiatives that offer students the academic and social-emotional opportunities they need — no matter which mode of instruction they are in. CSBA’s 5 questions series gives board […]

New report examines how graduation requirements impact student outcomes

High school graduation policies play an important role in promoting equitable outcomes for students, according to a recent Public Policy Institute of California report. Does Raising High School Graduation Requirements Improve Student Outcomes? reviewed district graduation policies from the 2018–19 academic year and looked at […]

CSBA webinar discusses summer learning resources and strategies

Whether expanding on existing summer learning opportunities to meet newfound student needs or launching new programs to jumpstart learning recovery, there are funding and resources available to assist local educational agencies in meeting their individual goals. Experts discussed how districts can best leverage state and […]

Whittier school district receives national recognition for innovation in special ed.

The National School Boards Association on April 1 awarded Lowell Joint School District in Whittier, California, with a 2021 First Place Magna Award — reserved for districts across the country for programs that break down barriers for underserved students — for its Special Education Blue […]

Judge certifies class-action status in Reyes v. State of California

By order of a Sacramento County Superior Court dated Feb. 26, 2021, class certification has been granted to a group of nonclassroom-based charter schools, their students and other waitlisted students, to represent all 308 nonclassroom-based charter schools in California in a lawsuit challenging the state’s […]

School boards in action: LEAs speak out on systemic racism, look toward progress

Up and down California, local educational agency boards are working tirelessly to make sure students can safely return to campus as quickly as possible in areas that are still in distance learning, and have everything they need to be academically, social-emotionally and physically supported — […]